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Important Notice

Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin urges everyone to follow the guidelines set forth by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah regarding the use of the internet

AIBB  is now selling Seats  for the Yomim Nora'im

If you are renewing your Membership and Seats from last year, please  CLICK ON THIS LINK or  Go to "Membership & Seats Purchase for 5785" on left.

If you are looking to purchase new seats or change your current seats, please see the gabboim or the Seating Committee.

The seating committee will be selling New Memberships, Associate Memberships, as well as, new  seats and requests for changing seats, on the following two dates: NOTE DATE CHANGE:

Thursday Evening            September 26th      07:30pm – 08:30pm

Motzai Shabbos                 September 28th      10:30pm – 12:30am

These are the only two scheduled dates for selling seats.  All other seating issues  should be addressed by either emailing us or by contacting the Seating Committee;  Benji Bass,  Larry Fixler, Buzzy Katz or Peretz Perl, directly.

Rov's Shiur for Ladies, 'The Power of Prayer"

Rabbi Lieff's Shiurim on the

"Power of Prayer" for Ladies.
are available for viewing
on our website

To Schedule a Simcha at AIBB

Our catering hall is now available for booking on a non exclusive Caterer basis. Any chosen Caterer will be required to have an acceptable Hechsher.

If you would like to book a date, please call Mark Klein at 917-806-6275 or email him at

In addition, for Friday night and / or Shabbos day rental of the Bayis Sheini, please contact Moshe Nussbaum at 917-757-2499 or email him at

What's New


If you are a Member and planning a Simcha, check our "Upcoming Member Simchas" Page to avoid booking your Simcha on the same night as another Member.


See Latest Employment Opportunities  - Not Current

Employment Opportunities


Check Out Our Member's Goods and Services Page  Member's Good & Services 


LOST AND FOUND Section On our  Community Bulletin Board  . So if you lose or find something in the Shul, let us know so we can post it.


If you are a Member, log in and view the Shidduchim, Photo Gallery and Shul's Precious Moments - (With latest update of Rav Emert speaking at recent siyum of his Chaubrah) pages.



Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785